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😌 calm your farm in 20 mins

Sometimes you just
need a mind refresh

Sometimes you need
Serenity in 20

Buy a Serenity in 20 session for $250 today

You’re a working professional or business owner, so you’re no stranger to stress

That big sales presentation or job interview is coming up, and you’re starting to sweat.Or maybe you’re a lawyer or high-profile exec and your job’s just stressful in general.Whatever the case, you’re likely wrestling with some form of performance anxiety. Or maybe your mind simply feels like it’s going to explode.This is completely normal.And the trick is not to try and avoid taking on stress — but to learn how to manage it.This is an acquired skill. It takes time.The thing is, you don’t have time.That presentation or interview is today. You’re stepping into that court or boardroom today.You don’t need to get to the root of your stress and anxiety.You just need it gone. And you need it gone right now.

Ryah Eastman - Transformational Style Coach & Image Consultant

Get your mind cleared in just 20 minutes

I’m Sonja Kay, a Personal Confidante, and I can drain the pressure from your mind in just 20 minutes, over the phone.I call this Serenity in 20.It’s really simple.Then you’ll be able to grab a 20-minute phone mind set reboot session.You can book a farm-calming phone calls between 8 AM to 8 PM every weekday.And then, when you’ve got the time to delve deeper into stress management, we can do that too.But for now, let’s just clear your mind.

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You suddenly feel relaxed, and you can deliver in the best way possible

"Sonja rang me half an hour before I was about to go into the workshop. We did a Serenity in 20 session, and I was able to walk into the workshop feeling calm, confident, serene, secure, and I delivered a great result for my client."Kate De Jong - Business Coach - Founder of Inspired Business

What’s that — you’ve tried this before and it hasn’t worked?

Well, this isn’t like a visit to your psychologist. I’m not one.Throughout my career as a personal and business therapist, I’ve developed a simple yet powerful technique that’s built around what I call “reboot phrases.”These are special phrases designed to refresh your mind in a single session of therapy.Think of it as clearing the cache, or overcoming inertia to clear a speedbump.My goal with Serenity in 20 isn’t to unravel trauma.

My goal is to prepare you for today

So do you want to nail that sales presentation or interview and win the job? Do you want to step confidently into that court or boardroom?


Will Serenity in 20 definitely work?

Of course not. And I won’t guarantee that it will. What I can say is that, so far 99% of my clients have reported a significant reduction in stress by the end of my 20-minute phone therapy session.

Is Serenity in 20 hypnotherapy?

While I am a hypnotherapist, Serenity in 20 does not use hypnosis. The phone therapy techniques I use for Serenity in 20 are based on “reboot phrases,” and, overall, my service is much closer to mindfulness therapy than it is to hypnotherapy.

Are your phone therapy sessions confidential?

They’re strictly confidential. I don’t record our conversations or take notes, and I won’t speak about them to anyone.

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©2025 Sonja Kay